Maps and charts
Sea-level rise and coastal hazards, 2018

Sources: Arenstam Gibbons et Nicholls (2006); Centre for Climate Adaptation (s. d.), Hinkel et al. (2014); IFEN (2006), IPCC (2014), Nicholls et al. (2008), Rowling (2014); Siméoni and Ballu (2012), Win (2014), Wöffler et al. (2012).
This map, taken from the Atlas des migrations environnementales [Atlas of Environmental Migration], shows the vulnerability of coastal populations to the rise in ocean levels. Two aspects are depicted: the population density of coasts affected by a centennial flood level, and the principal urban areas exposed to extreme flooding. These two indicators, which overlap somewhat, show that the coastal populations of Asia (Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, China, and Japan) are by far the most affected. Other regions are affected more locally, but they still impact millions of people: The Netherlands, the Nile Delta, the Brazilian coastlines, and the southern United States.
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